Sometimes you just need to hear it!
Friend, the long days, the late nights, the worry over whether you are doing enough to build the business of your dreams — it’s all worth it!
My wish for you is that you wake up every day and remember this process, this crazy adventure you’re on is 100% about YOU!
No sugar coating — building a personal brand comes with some 1st world terrors that stop many before they even get started.
Don’t let fear be the crusher of your dreams:
☠️Fear that you aren’t enough
☠️Fear of what others will think
☠️Fear that the clients won’t show up
I know it’s hard to roll around in the vulnerability of creating a personal brand, but the reward is high!
Crush that fear and build a business that serves you both financially & emotionally — You deserve it!
Prioritize yourself and create a personal brand that:
✅Makes you smile
✅Is your happy place
✅You want to show up for every single day
Stop stressing over your ideal client.
Stop worrying about what others will think!
Keep leaning into who you are and the rest will follow…with a little strategy and execution that is.
How to build a personal brand you love:
Marketing strategists have spent years telling us to build our brands around our ideal clients instead of what serves us first.
We know that system can make us money, but does it check the fulfillment box? Not always.
I’ll take both fulfillment and money, please.
When bringing your personal brand to life, be true to YOU. No one else matters.
From tone to color scheme to subjects discussed — your personal brand needs to revolve around who you are and how you feel.
- What are you passionate about?
- What do you do for fun?
- What do you stand for?
- What makes you you?
Bring it all to the table and work with what feels authentic to you.
The whole point of this entrepreneurial life is to love what we do, right?
So make it happen! Design a brand that serves you first and your ideal client second.
Design your own avatar – not your ideal client avatar
The first step is figuring out how you want to show up for your personal brand.
You’ve actually been doing the first step but for the wrong person.
Take everything you know about creating an ideal client avatar and apply it to yourself to build your Personal Profile.
Working through this exercise will provide you with the freedom and ease to show up for your personal brand in a way that you are comfortable with and proud of.
The over analyzing, the constant second-guessing turns into clarity and confidence.
>>Get the SAI Personal Profile Template HERE<<
Key Takeaways from building a personal profile:
- Zero in on the parts of you that you want to bring into your brand
- Bring Your style & voice to life
- Identify topics to talk about online
- Begin to draw boundary lines
- Define the target market that will align with you
The Impact on You & Your Personal Brand:
- The freedom to show up just as you are
- A cohesive and consistent personal brand you love
- The clarity and direction to talk about what you want, when you want
- The ability to attract the clients you actually want to work with
Follow the link above to get access to the SA Images Personal Profile Template (Canva Template).
Complete each of the personal profile categories to see your personal brand start to come to life.
SA Images Personal Profile Categories:
Your Sparkle: What makes you so you? List the unique characteristics & personality traits that make you the individual you are.
Big, Scary Dreams: Where do you see yourself and your business in 5 years? 10 years?
Fun Times: What do you like to do for fun? Who are you spending your time with?
Values: What makes your heart full? What are your non-negotiables as a human?
Styles You Love: What catches your eye? Art, fashion, interior design – what styles do you love?
Stressors: Evaluate your business & personal life. What consistently worries you?
You will use your completed template to start to build out elements of your personal brand. Stay tuned for our next blog to learn how to use your Personal Profile to identify your very best, most perfectest, dream client. Subscribe below so you don’t miss out!